Legitimate Debt Settlement: Consumer Beware
From 2009 -2013 this was the website for LegitimateDebtSettlement.com offering articles and services about Debt settlement scams, Debt consolidation, Debt settlement pros and cons. It was actually a lead generator paid by debt settlement companies luring consumers who responded to its deceptive ads. View the site in its historical context and perhaps as a learning lesson to those desperate debt laden consumers about the risks inherent in engaging with debt settlement companies.
Content is from the site's 2009 - 2013 archived pages.
We learned of this site from a consumer whose debt was initiated when she purchased a winter coat on credit. She had clicked an ad for "cheap North Face Jackets" on an online retailer who promised easy financing with no payments due for 6 months. The retailer was not part of the scam, but was actually another victim, since the bad publicity promulgated by the story always mentioned them by name in spite of having nothing to do with the scam. The scam works because according to loyal customers, North Face makes the best winter jackets by far. The jacket in the ad was originally priced at $199, but ended up creating a debt liability of over $1,000 due to the outrageous interest rates charged by the scammers. Read more about how the language used by debt settlement companies can often entice indebted consumers into actual fraud even when the service is sold as debt relief. [BJ Serold]
I'm a huge Batman fan and have been fascinated by the early history of his origins as a comic book character. There have been many stories about the talented artists who worked for these early publishers and how many of them were recent immigrants who were victims of the corruption and greed as unknowing workers in a cutthroat world of the early 1930s. I recently read an interview with an artist who was burdened with a debt he incurred just to get to the US from Poland and how he struggled for many years to free himself from the trap he found himself in since his earnings barely covered his existence. But when his Batman drawings in those comics became a hit, his fortunes changed as other publishers recognized the value of his art and he was suddenly financially successful. It's as if Batman stepped in to see that justice was done. The story of Batman is one that includes many darker themes than appear in those comics. While way before this site would have been helpful, the context is the same. [Justin Means]
In 2012 Ryan Golembiewski and the following d/b/as: www.legitimatedebtsettlement.com, as well as16 other websites, were banned by federal court orders from participating in some or all types of the business of debt relief.
According to the complaint, the deceptive claims the defendants used to entice consumers to contact them included:
- “Once creditors agree to make a deal, you can get out of debt from 12 to 36 months.”
- “The U.S. government decided to introduce a stimulus package to boost the financial institutions and prevent them from breaking down. Part of this stimulus money is being utilized by the [c]redit card companies to offer debt settlements to the users.”
- Debt settlement companies “can take all of your outstanding debt and not only eliminate at least 50% of it but also provide a realistic repayment plan for the rest of your debt.”
- “If you play your cards right, your debt problems will vanish before the first year ends.”
The Federal Trade Commission charged an Ohio-based company and its owner with fraudulently claiming on 17 websites they operated that consumers could quickly get out of debt by working with one of several debt settlement companies. The company owner, Ryan Golembiewski, has agreed to a settlement barring the deceptive claims, and to a judgment requiring him to pay more than $390,000.
Circa 2009 - 2013
LegitimateDebtSettlement.com is a consumer based service that is looking to raise the bar in the debt settlement industry. We are not a debt settlement company. We are however affiliated with several legitimate debt settlement services all of which we have researched and qualified as being amongst the top performers in the industry. Our network is vast and spans across just about every state. If you are looking for an easy way to locate a legitimate debt settlement company in your area then LegitimateDebtSettlement.com is the answer.
The truth is that there are hundreds of debt settlement companies on the marketplace to choose from and many of them are inexperienced in debt negotiation. How are you as the consumer supposed to differentiate between the two? The easiest way is to utilize a debt relief network such as LegitimateDebtSettlement.com. There are other debt relief networks on the marketplace but we have established ourselves as one of the largest and most respected debt relief networks available.
LegitimateDebtSettlement.com tracks debt settlement companies throughout the United States and only allows those who have established a successful record in negotiating debt settlement deals to be a part of the network. We go a step further however and do market research through consumer surveys to ensure that the debt settlement company is conducting business in an ethical manner. This way, consumers will know that the debt settlement company they are provided with has established success and also proven favorable reviews amongst former clients.
If you are over $10,000 in unsecured debt it almost always makes financial sense to hire a debt settlement company especially in this market. Credit card companies and other holders of unsecured debt are extremely concerned about collecting on their delinquent accounts. They are more than willing to negotiate a debt settlement deal and with the help of a legitimate debt settlement company consumers are able to eliminate at least 50% of their balance on average.
Debt Elimination services
How can a debt elimination program – debt settlement program help you?
We have a number of different ways to help you solve your debt worries:
Credit card relief, legally eliminate credit card debt: legal credit card debt elimination
Debt Elimination Service – Debt Settlement Service – Debt Negotiation Service
In the last years many people with a bad debt situation, found in specialized debt elimination programs, the best option to their financial stress.
www.legitimatedebtsettlement.com offers personalized debt help services to go debt free.
When you enter into our debt settlement program, also referred to as a debt negotiation or debt elimination program, our professional negotiators begin working with your creditors from day one. We specialize in negotiating lump sum payments with creditors to settle unsecured debt for less than half of what you owe. We negotiate not only the outstanding balance, but also late fees, interest, and over-the-limit fees beginning from the moment you enter the program. Although we can make no guarantees about the exact percentage of the settlement, we consistently negotiate accounts for 40% of the outstanding balance, and we even have a money back guarantee if we settle an account for more than that amount.
Based on your unique financial situation, before coming into the program we will construct a personalized debt settlement plan that ranges on average from 18-36 months. We will also establish a monthly payment plan that is normally about 1.5% of your outstanding debt.
Our debt settlement program is an aggressive, effective method of avoiding bankruptcy and eliminating thousands of dollars of unsecured debt.
Debt Consolidation services
We offer personalized debt help to you to make the process as easy as possible, while you get the best debt reduction.
As our client, you get customized debt consolidation help to make you go debt free. The specialized and experienced team of professionals at www.legitimatedebtsettlement.com lead you to a debt free life, providing you with all the support you require.
Your information is safe with us as we uphold a strict policy of confidentiality.
Debt reduction
Our debt reduction program can eliminate most, if not all of your current debt, within 36 months or less.
Student Loan Consolidation
Student loans are secured by the government of the United States, and thus are not eligible to be entered into the debt settlement program. If you are having trouble making your monthly student loan payments, we can help. By consolidating you loans through www.legitimatedebtsettlement.com, you can lower your monthly payments as well as fixing in a lower APR on the loan. By extending your loan over a longer period, you can reduce your payments by 30-40%, meaning a more affordable payment. Also, by consolidating you loans, you can lower your interest rate by up to 1.25%. Unfortunately, there is no way to make student loans go away. Even a bankruptcy will not absolve you of your commitment. Consolidating your loans is a great way to help you pay off this financial obligation before it results in wage garnishment or other collection techniques. Students with outstanding loans can benefit from our debt free plans.
Home Equity/Mortgage Refinance Loan
If you are worried for bad credit mortgages – bad debt, we can help you.
A number of individuals are opting to use the equity in their homes in order to pay off outstanding debts. They are opting to switch their high interest credit card loans into lower interest home loans in order to save thousands of dollars in interest. We have a number of excellent lenders who can help you with a Home Equity or Mortgage Refinance loan. Home equity loans involve borrowing money from the equity you have in your home, where the interest you pay may be tax deductible. Typically, they are quicker, involve less paperwork, and charge a higher interest rate. Refinancing, on the other hand, involves restructuring the entire mortgage, which is more time-consuming, incurs higher fees, but charges a lower interest rate. Many individuals are hesitant to apply for loans due to not-so-perfect or bad credit score. Our professional lenders can help you decide which loan is best for your situation and can quickly process and complete your loan application even if your credit is not perfect.
We have the best options for consolidated debt loans.
Best credit Card Debt Help
Solutions for persons looking for the best credit card debt help.
If your problem is an uncontrolled credit card debt, in less than 15 minutes you can have a personalized debt help solution that can eliminate 40-65% of your outstanding debt, eliminate thousands of dollars in interest and late fees. Avoid credit card debt. Our credit card debt help program can help you avoid bankruptcy by creating a plan that will mean making only one monthly payment as low as 50% of your current payments. In fact, we are so confident that our credit card debt plan can help you to avoid credit card debt that we offer a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee.
www.legitimatedebtsettlement.com is a complete consumer debt solution.
Compare debt reduction services and convince yourself why we are the answer in consumer debt services.
Credit repair
Our credit repair service will do all the work for you to legally fix and rebuild your credit by ensuring that the credit bureaus and creditors follow the law. Our proven methods have helped many succeed, and they can help you too.
Eliminate debt and go debt free through the best, most effective, fast, and easy debt management program available.
WHY LegitimateDebtSettlement.com?
- At www.legitimatedebtsettlement.com, we have the most competitive prices in the industry.
- With us you know exactly what you will be charged, and you will not have to pay a large commission check at the time of the settlement.
- Unlike most companies, we do not charge the entire amount upfront. Instead, we divide payments over a 12-18 month period of time.
- You do not pay us a dime for an entire month, so you can test our service for free.
- Our system is designed to maximize communication effectiveness.
- Our highly-trained, experienced consultant will work to lower your debt by an average of between 40-65%.
- Our debt relief program can lower your monthly credit card payment to nearly 50% of its current value.
- Many satisfied clients throughout the country confirm the quality of our program.
- We have a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! If we cannot settle your accounts for 40% of the balance when you entered the program, we will refund our fees. No other debt settlement company will make you a promise like that.
- Get a free consultation and in 15 minutes find out how you can get out of debt today! Is easier than you think call now!
- To get debt counseling, call us today at 1-484-313-9785, or fill the form clicking the picture above.
- Not only do our professional debt arbitrators have great relationships with consumer-lending institutions, but we also have great relationships with lenders who can help you with home equity loans.
Debt Faq
Debt Settlement, Debt Negotiation, Debt Elimination, Debt Consolidation FAQ
We understand that as a consumer you may have different concerns about debt settlement or debt elimination. We want to make the process completely clear for you to make the best decision.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about debt elimination or debt settlement. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in this page, we will gladly answer any questions you send us through the form available.
What is Debt Elimination?
Debt elimination is any technique that can be used to help you lower your debts. Examples of debt elimination include debt settlement, debt consolidation, and consumer credit counseling.
What is Debt Settlement?
Debt settlement, also known as debt negotiation and debt reduction, is a process that involves negotiating directly with creditors to eliminate the outstanding balance of a debt. Debt settlement allows both the debtor and the creditor to reach a mutual agreement that meets both parties’ needs. One of the most important advantages of debt settlement is that the creditor agrees to having been paid “in full” or that the debt was paid in a “satisfactory” condition.
What is Debt Consolidation?
Debt consolidation entails taking out one loan to pay off many others. This is often done to secure a lower interest rate, secure a fixed interest rate or for the convenience of servicing only one loan. Debt consolidation can simply be from a number of unsecured loans into another unsecured loan, but more often it involves a secured loan against an asset that serves as collateral, which is most commonly a house.
What is Consumer Credit Counseling?
Consumer Credit Counseling involves consolidating monthly payments to creditors into one monthly payment made to a credit counseling/consolidation company. These companies are in charge of disbursing individual payments to each creditor. Often times, these companies can help you lower you monthly interest rates. Consumer Credit Counseling is more commonly referred to as debt consolidation.
Are Debt Settlement and Debt Consolidation/Credit Counseling the same?
No. Debt consolidation combines many small debts into one large debt, with the hopes of paying the lowest interest rates possible. However, the overall size of the debt does not change, only the interest rate. Debt settlement involves negotiating to lower your total debt amount-thus eliminating a large portion of your debt.
A Debt Elimination Program is the process of you saving a percentage of what your monthly debt payments are at the present. Then according to the funds you have in your account, we will begin to negotiate with the creditor. You save these funds in a separate account, we never touch your money nor have control of your money. Once we have reached an agreement, we will let you know how to pay the funds to the creditors under the terms you have agreed to. These funds are not paid to the creditor until the creditor sends us a settlement letter outlining the terms agreed upon and the amount of the settlement.
A Debt Consolidation is a program where you would pay 100% of the debt at a lower interest rate. This plan works well for clients who have under $7,500.00 in debt. The exact details of these programs depend on your creditors, interest rates and monthly payments. Based on the customized plan created for each individual, the consolidation company would be in charge of disbursing small monthly payments to your entire creditor. There are benefits for this again depending on what creditors you have and the interest rate you are pay at the present time.
How does Legitimatedebtsettlement.com’s Debt Elimination Program work?
Our debt elimination program is amazingly simple. As a client, you are assigned a single Legitimatedebtsettlement.com professional consultant whose job will be to accompany you throughout the entire debt elimination process. The first step is for our consultant to get a thorough understanding of your story. Based on each unique case, our consultant will assist you in organizing your individual goals. With these goals in mind, our consultant will begin the negotiation process with the creditors.
Our highly-trained, experienced consultant will work to lower your debt by an average of between 40-65%. Meanwhile, it will be the consultant’s duty to keep you completely informed of all the results of the negotiations while serving as an advisor who will help you choose the deal that best suits your needs. Finally, it will be up to you to choose the debt elimination plan that is best for you. With our program, we negotiate successful debt elimination plans to help you get debt free in 12-36 months.
How long does a debt settlement program last?
Only average, the debt elimination program lasts from 18-36 months. The length of the program depends on several issues: total outstanding debt amount, number of creditors, and monthly savings. Most creditors are not willing to wait for more than 3 years to receive a payment. Thus, we like to keep the average plan between 30-36 months. Depending on the situation, we have been able to extend the program up to 40-42 months, but this is not something we do often.
How much do I need to save per month?
Monthly saving vary according to the individual case, but on average clients save about 1.5% of their outstanding debt balance
What does Legitimatedebtsettlement.com’s Debt Settlement Program cost?
At Legitimatedebtsettlement.com, we have the most competitive prices in the industry.
We charge a flat rate of 15% of the total debt entered into the settlement program. In our experience, a flat-fee gives clients more security because they know exactly what they will be charged, and they will not have to pay a large commission check at the time of the settlement. Additionally, unlike most companies, we do not charge the entire amount upfront. Instead, we divide payments over a 12-18 month period of time. To show our continued commitment to customer satisfaction, you do not pay us a dime for an entire month. This gives you the chance to test our service for free.
Once in the Debt Elimination Program, will you contact my creditors right away?
Absolutely. Immediately upon entering our debt settlement program, you will receive a welcome packet that will include a cease-and-desist letter, a power of authorization letter, and an account closure letter. We ask that you sign these forms and direct you to where they should be mail (it can be regular mail to avoid paying extra postage fees). Since you are mailing the letters, you can be sure that creditors are aware of us from day one. We will continue to contact them on your behalf until the account is settled. Our plan is extremely effective because we do not believe in hiding from creditors. This philosophy gives us more credibility with them because they are not forced to call repetitively to contact us. Creditors appreciate this upfront honestly, and this helps us to maintain an excellent reputation with creditors, which means better saving for you.
Does Debt Settlement and Elimination affect my credit?
Initially, yes. In the beginning, creditors will continue to report your account as delinquent. However, once you reach an agreement with the creditor, then your account will be labeled as “Settled in full or Paid in full”. This will allow you to start from zero and begin to rebuild your credit.
This option is much more favorable than filing bankruptcy, will remain on your credit history anywhere from 7-10 years. Once you have finished the program, you can go through a credit repair program to clear all the marks from your credit history.
Who will be in charge of my Debt Elimination account? Will I have to talk to numerous people?
Upon entering into our debt settlement program, you will be assigned one account manager who will be in charge of handling your account. Unless that individual is sick or on vacation, all information regarding the account will be communicated to your account manager who will in turn communicate that information to you. Likewise, any information or updates you have regarding your account should be directed to your account manager. Our system is designed to maximize communication effectiveness and eliminate any need for you to have to speak to numerous individuals.
It is important to note that while your account manager will manage your account, he or she will not be in charge of the actual negotiations. We have a team of professional negotiator who handle all communications with creditors. Their job is to maintain constant contact with creditors to ensure the best settlement deals for you.
Why chose Legitimatedebtsettlement.com debt elimination program?
There are a number of reasons you should chose us:
- We have an excellent history and rating with the BBB.
- Upon entering the program, we give you one full month to test our program before making your first payment.
- We do not ask for our fees up front like a lot of companies. We spread our fees over a 12-18 month period to ensure that you are able to save money from the beginning. This means that you will begin settling accounts as soon as possible. Many companies require 100% of their fees upfront, which prevents you from negotiating for several months.
- Because we ask you to mail in the power of authorization and cease-and-desist letters, you can be sure that we are contacting your creditors from the beginning.
- We have a money-back guarantee! If we cannot settle your accounts for 40% of the balance when you entered the program, we will refund our fees. No other debt settlement company will make you a promise like that.
How do I apply to your Debt Settlement program?
We recommend speaking to one of our professional consultants first. He or she will be able to answer any questions regarding the program and your specific situation. You can contact us at 1-484-313-9785. Once you have spoken to one of our consultant and decided that our debt settlement program is the best solution for you, all you need to do is complete our application and send it back to us along with copies of your most previous statements and a copy of a voided check. We will review your application and inform you within 48 hours if you have been accepted into the program.
Can I negotiate my debt with creditors myself?
Yes, you can. However, this is not a wise decision unless you are a highly-trained, expert debt negotiator like our consultants who know the ins and outs of the credit negotiating system. An individual who has no experience negotiating credit may make many mistakes which could cost them much more money. Our consultants will also be able to explain and recognize good deals. This is a very emotional time in one’s life, and by using Legitimatedebtsettlement.com, our clients eliminate the possibility of letting their emotions cost them a great deal that could mean the life that they have always wanted.
Is everyone accepted into the debt elimination program?
Not everyone is eligible. Due to strict policies and guidelines, not everyone who applies to the program is accepted. Once we receive your application, we evaluate all applicants according to their hardship, month savings, and creditors. We want to make sure that everyone who enters the program is able to take full advantage of our services. If we feel that an applicant does not meet the criteria to be successful, we will not accept him or her into our debt settlement program.
I was thinking about saving up money for a few months and then joining the debt relief program. Is this a good idea?
Many clients choose to wait several months before entering into the debt relief program. While this is possible, we do not recommend it for two main reasons. Firstly and most importantly, there is a possibility that the creditor with take legal action against you during that time. If this happens, it could jeopardize our ability to negotiate the account and your opportunity to pay only 40% of the outstanding balance. Secondly, during this time, you will be charge interest, late fees, and possibly other types of fees. We calculate both your payments and our fees on the total account balance when you enter the program. If the total balance increase, that mean you will be paying higher settlements and more commission.
Comparative Analysis Of Debt Settlement and Bankruptcy
After the recent economic recession in the US, many consumers are struggling to pay off their debt. Debt settlement and bankruptcy are two popular debt relief options that people employ to eliminate their financial woes. But it is essential to evaluate the programs before you decide which one will be the right option for your financial situation.
Know the function of debt settlement and bankruptcy:
Both of these programs have different functions because in debt settlement you need to repay less than you originally owed to the creditors. You need to negotiate with the creditors to lower the interest rate on the principal balance that helps to lower the outstanding balance. But you can discharge certain debts completely if you file under chapter 7 Bankruptcy but in chapter 13 bankruptcy you can reduce the payments by stretching over a longer period.
Know about the debt settlement procedure:
Debt settlement is basically a simple process, either you can hire the services of a debt settlement company or directly settle your debts with the creditors. The professional debt arbitrators negotiate with the creditors to lower the interest rate on the principal balance. The creditor and debtor both have to give consent on the settlement offer before the debtor starts repaying. But remember you might not be able to negotiate with the creditors until you have fallen behind on your payments for 2 to 3 months.
Know about the bankruptcy procedure:
Bankruptcy is considered to be a legal process and you have to file a petition with the bankruptcy court. Once you declare bankruptcy then you can avoid harassing collection calls from the creditors. Before you file a petition with the court you have to complete two hours credit counseling session. If you file under chapter 7 bankruptcy it will require six months to complete the entire process. But you will complete your repayment plan under chapter 13 bankruptcy within three or five years.
Expenses involved in these two programs:
When you enroll in a debt settlement program then you should know that you need to pay an upfront fee and the company might also charge a percentage of the amount saved after successful negotiation.
In case of filing bankruptcy you might need to pay a stipulated amount as filing fee. You are required to pay a consultation fee if you hire an attorney to file your petition.
Debt settlement and bankruptcy both can damage your credit report but your credit rating will eventually improve once your start paying off your debts on in future. Remember that you can discharge your debts if you file bankruptcy. Therefore, it will be a feasible option to declare bankruptcy if you are financially strapped and have no other option to pay back your owed amount.
Guest article by Amy Lewis.
Bankruptcy Article
A blast from the past - Bankruptcy Article
Senate investigating predatory tactics of credit card companies
Credit card debt is the first cause of bankruptcy for many Americans every year.
Statistics show that debt is increasing at a greater rate than income.
It looks as though Senate will be analyzing credit card company practices for increasing interest and late fees and that direct legislation to minimize these actions could be put in practice very soon. In fact, credit card companies, weary of these heightened restrictions, are already beginning to promise to be clearer with their policies toward consumers. They have vocally assured Senate that they will lower penalties and make fine print more easily understandable.
Several studies have shown that these companies use predatory tactics that insure the highest price interest rates and skyrocketing penalties on late payments and default accounts. Additionally, their billing structures allow for double-cycle billing, using an average of your balance over two months to calculate your interest, normally at a more significant amount to the consumer, and a tactic known as “universal default” which allows companies to raise interest rates in a consumer defaults on an account not related to the credit card.
The purpose of new legislation against credit card companies will be to prevent individuals capable of making only minimum payments to be buried under mounts of additional interest and late fees. As of right now, a definite timeline for new regulations has not been established, but nevertheless it will result in improvements for the consumer along with clear, more understandable terms and conditions.
New Century filed for Chapter 11
2000 end has been a horrendous for subprime lenders throughout the entire mortgage market in the United States. To date, over two dozen individual subprime lending companies are either on the cusp of closing or have already done so. On April 2, the financial chaos claimed its most significant victim when New Century filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
The second largest provider of subprime mortgage loans in the United States, New Century lend out over $51 billion dollars in high risk mortgage loans in 2006 alone. While the company initially enjoyed an abnormally profitable growth and expansion from 2001-2005, seeing stocks reach a high of $66 in 2004, directors were unable to salvage the company from the recently high amount of defaults in mortgage loans that have left the industry severally wounded.
In the midst of plummeting stock prices and a recorded $100 million dollars in liabilities, company officers must still deal with an investigation by the Fed for possible securities fraud and accounting errors. As part of the bankruptcy, New Century officials would like to sell their loan operations to Carrington Capital Management LLC for $139 million.
However, it remains to be seen if the courts will allow such a transaction to take place
Article to help you organize your finances
Strategies to help you organize your finances
From a messy financial situation to economic peace of mind: How can you put your finances in order.
Here are some strategies to help you achieve just that:
- Allow to deduct Bills from your bank account
Is common to pay after deadlines, in such case you are being charged a highest interest rate for credit cards, so avoid this situation by getting your monthly payments deducted directly. Plus, traditional payment methods will cost you time and hassle.
- Shop around for credit
If you are looking for a loan or some type of credit, do your homework and get all the information on different options to go with the most beneficial.
- Pay off credit card Debt
Paying high interest rates can be a real bleeding wound for many family pockets. Try and pay more than your minimum monthly charges and add as much as you can every time.
- Add some extra dollars to your Savings account
Add a little increase every month to your 401k fund. An increase of as little as $100 will grow in the long term since it goes towards the stock portfolio of investments. And remember that only 75% of the extra savings will come out of your check, since your employer will take care of the rest under a proper benefit plan
- Put your investments in a safe place
Trust your investment to a wise plan that works your money within a time frame according to your retirement expectations.
- Get organized
Manage your bills in a proper manner and keep your records in a structures plan. You can use a computer program to help you keep track of your income and every expense you incur every month, specially mortgage, loans, and credit card receipts.
- Avoid Foreclose if you can
Foreclosure is the legal process in which a financial company mainly a bank or other type of secured creditor repossesses and disposes of an immovable property in the case when the borrower has failed to fulfill the responsibilities agreed upon in the mortgage contract with the lending company. Commonly, the violation of the mortgage is a default in payment of a promissory note, secured by a lien on the property. When the process is complete, the lender can sell the property and keep the proceeds to pay off its mortgage and any legal costs, and it is typically said that “the lender has foreclosed its mortgage or lien”.
There are two primary types of foreclosures.
- Foreclosure by judicial sale
- Foreclosure by power of sale.
The foreclosure process does not take long really; it could usually take as little as 3-4 months to complete. If you are faced with possibility of your home undergoing a foreclosure process, it can be avoided.
How to choose a Credit Counseling Agency
How to choose Credit Counseling assistance
There are some aspects to consider when selecting the best credit counselor.
It is a fact that some companies, even some of the self called “nonprofit credit counseling agencies,” are more concerned about their own profits than in providing the best possible help.
When you are choosing a credit counselor agency you must be aware of the parameters that ensure you to make the right decision, staying away from credit counseling companies that could take advantage of you.
Here are a few tips to help you choose a credit counseling agency.
- Look for a company that provides a wide portfolio of services like budget counseling, debt counseling for people with debt problems, mortgage counseling, debt consolidation and negotiation, credit card debt help, how to avoid foreclosure and bankruptcy.
- Make sure the counseling company is not charging you any fees up front, and every cost is clearly stated. Voluntary contributions usually ring an alarm.
- The company should have excellent channels of communication, usually a combination of online, phone, mail and If necessary, personal.
- The credit counseling firm must provide you with a certified professional to manage your case and guide you through the process.
- Your credit help agency must be covered by an insurance and is focused on client protection.
- What tools does the credit debt counseling company offer you? Tools include worksheets, payment schedule tables, guiding handbooks, calculators and simulators, CD’s, newsletters, and more.
- A Better Business Bureau seal of approval also helps in building trust with a credit counseling agency.
- The company you choose shouldn’t have a minimum debt policy, and help individuals with any amount of debt.
- A good credit debt payment plan will ensure you are able to pay your creditors by arranging an affordable payment plan and securing the funds to pay for it in a timely manner.
- Choose a credit debt company that offers different credit debt solutions; this way you can be sure they can provide a personalized plan for every case.
- A good credit debt company will dedicate you the necessary time to work on your case without rushing to a generic solution.
- A good credit help agency will ensure that the amount arranged is paid to creditors without keeping it.
- Make sure the credit help firm upholds a confidentiality policy so your information is kept safe and secret.
- A trust worthy credit counseling agency must have good relationships with a wide number of credit companies and banks.
These guidelines will help you find the right credit counseling agency.
Emergency Debt Relief
Debt Elimination Service – Debt Settlement Service – Free debt relief
Most people are looking for a way to pay all of their bills, to catch up on bills, and to simply crawl out of the hole that is debt. Lots of companies and organizations recognize this need, and will sometimes advertise debt relief programs that are supposed to be designed to get you out of debt quicker. But what if you need help right away, and can’t wait years to get your credit back on track? If you need emergency debt relief, there are some specific organizations you should get in touch with. Here are some suggestions.
Our partner firm is an emergency debt relief organization that focuses on negotiating your debt with the companies you owe money to, as opposed to consolidating your debt or getting you to take out a loan to pay back the money that you owe. Professional debt negotiators will take your “case” to collection agencies and propose amounts that would be more suitable for you to pay, since collection agencies automatically take a percentage of the debt you owe for commission; they’ve already received their payment for labor. If you want more information on how the program works, or a free consultation, visit, or call 1-484-313-9785.
Another option you may want to try is www.careonecredit.com; this system is similar to ours, in that the representatives of the company will work so that you can keep up to 60%of your debt. Plans like this are ideal for people who are seeking emergency debt relief, since needing urgent help is usually an indication that you probably don’t have as much money as you would like. This way, even if getting rid of your debt takes a little longer than you would like, you won’t have to worry about paying back the full amount of the debt. On this site, you’ll find information on bankruptcy (most people file for it before they really have to, because they feel they have no other options). You’ll also find information on how to avoid foreclosure and stop taking out loans. You can receive a free online consultation by entering your information on the site, and a representative will contact you a couple of days after you apply.
Of course, some of the solutions for emergency debt relief don’t have to be so “emergency.” You can prevent yourself from getting so far into debt that a way out seems next to impossible. First of all, make sure that you’re not spending beyond your means, and that if you have to take out a loan for an emergency, you won’t have more than one or two major loans to pay back at a time. Also, try not to take out loans if you don’t absolutely have to. Usually, if you take time to organize your budget so that you know how much money you’ll have to spend every month, when emergencies come up, you’ll be able to handle them better. Also, try to put aside a little extra money every month for savings, so that you can borrow from yourself if you need to.
Credit counselors will also be able to help you with getting your finances together in order to avoid emergency debt relief. They can also explain to you the pitfalls of extra fees like principal and interest rates, so that you can avoid unexpected debt.
Sometimes emergency debt relief can’t be avoided, but there are things you can do to help yourself. Contact the organizations listed above for more advice. Good luck!
Business Debt Negotiation | Business debt help service
We know how debt can upset the financial situation of a business and even threaten its future. Through a sound business debt restructuring plan companies can settle their debt with creditors and balance their financial situation.
Through years of experience developing the business debt negotiation program, companies have created a personalized process with direct contact to provide the best possible solution to your business debt. Our teams and team from top partner firms have helped businesses small and large, in many industries to negotiate their debt and organize their finances. We know many such companies that can help you.
Getting businesses and people out of debt is our daily work and we are really good at it.
Our debt negotiation program for businesses has proved to be very effective in solving client’s debt problems. Our knowledge of the financial system and the ways to work with businesses to legally manage their debt, altogether with our developed plan to negotiate debt in the best possible terms will allow our clients to get best results with the most favorable conditions, GUARANTEED.
Our success rate make us confident to offer debt negotiation services for businesses that they can afford, to provide solutions to their debt problems in a shorter period of time and in more advantageous conditions to the businesses we represent.
Business debt restructuring or negotiation is a legal, specialized way to bring corporate finances in order in the presence of a high debt situation.
Get personal assistance and find out about the advantages of our debt restructuring, debt negotiation services.
What’s the best option to your business debt situation?
In the face of a bad debt problem and liquidity difficulties some business deal of the alternative of filing for bankruptcy; but truth is that there are strategies and methods to keep a business viable and secure its future.
Did you know that attorney expenses for bankruptcy processes take around 75% of the resources from chapter 11? Is a fact, plus, debt, collection charges and other fees keeps rising, It is possible for businesses in debt to avoid bankruptcy, an expensive and tough process leading to liquidation under chapter 7.
To the heavy expenses related to bankruptcy, add the credit consequences it brings, beside the emotional distress associated. Many companies offer the right solution to business debt problems in a short term. Ask us if you need help with the same.
Posted on November 3, 2012
Debt consolidation
Many Americans resort to declaring bankruptcy when their credit card debt reaches alarming levels. But there are alternatives to avoid going this avenue and putting their finances in order. A trust worthy professional debt Negotiation Company can structure a plan to work with creditors and clients to consolidate credit debt and restore their credithistory.Many people struggle to make minimum payments to their credit balances and see their debt grow day after day, and lengthening the period to get their debt paid for; sometimes this situation seems like an endless road.
What can you do to find a way out more than the minimum monthly credit card payment:
Make a monthly budget accounting for all of your expenses and keep your expenditures under this budget. Avoid luxurious items and brand products when you can go for less costly items.
Find ways to increase your income by a small percentage (10 or 15) to put into a savings account and add this amount to your monthly payments to pay a bit more.
A simple suggestion: don’t charge any more expenses to your credit card.
Don’t use your credit card to pay for groceries.
Get professional reliable help. Find a fine debt negotiation company to make a plan that can get you an affordable solution consolidating your credit debt under better conditions. This solution is easier than you think and can save you thousands of dollars in interests.
Is possible to consolidate and unify all your existing debts into one, relying on a single loan to cover for all of them. The advantage is that the new loan is made under more favorable conditions like lower interest rates, so your monthly payments can get dramatically reduced.
Many firms consistently carry out this process for you as a client and can lead you to restore your credit record and get back on your feet in a short period of time, usually from 12 to 36 months without the pressure of creditors and collection companies.
Some firm’s record of compliance and satisfaction is so high; that they even offer you a satisfaction guarantee of 100% without risk, no money upfront. Few consolidation companies can make such a claim.
Start taking action to eliminate your debt consolidating all your payments in a lower monthly payment.
Debt Consolidation Tips
Although you can certainly attempt to negotiate directly with your creditors, it’s probably not really a good idea if you don’t know what you’re doing. You could end up doing more harm than good. To successfully negotiate settlements, here are a few things you absolutely need to know:
- Settling debts is not always about what you know, but often who you know. Getting to the right person and avoiding the uncooperative people can make all the difference between settling and not settling.
- Creditors and collection agencies are not usually going to write off hundreds or thousands of dollars without a fight. So you better have a thick skin and be willing to persevere…sometimes for several months.
- You must use different negotiating strategies with different financial institutions and collection agencies. What works with one, will usually not work with another.
- Creditors routinely threaten litigation. But how do you know whether the threat of a lawsuit is REAL or just a BLUFF? We’ve learned that past performance of a creditor or collection agency is the biggest determining factor. Therefore, you need to know the “profile” of the creditor or collection agency you’re dealing with to know if the threat of a lawsuit is credible.
- What if one of your accounts is referred to a law firm? Does that mean you’re getting sued? Not necessarily. Although we are NOT attorneys, we know how “they” negotiate settlements with law firms all the time. You just have to know what you are doing.
- You have to know what constitutes a good settlement offer and what’s not a good settlement offer. For example, a 50% settlement might be a good offer with one particular creditor or collection agency, and not a very good offer with another.
- Should you attempt to settle directly with the creditor or let the account go out to an agency? Believe it or not, there are times when you are better off by letting the account go out to a collection agency!
Step By Step Guide To Legal Debt Settlement
A Simple Guide For Individuals Looking For Legal Credit Consolidation Programs-
The first thing you need to know is that you are not alone. America is in debt overload and that means that most Americans are in debt and are looking for a legal guide to credit consolidation. Credit Card companies have caused Americans to become overextended. Just about everyone who is offered credit accepts it at some time. If you are making the minimum payments on your credit cards or feeling over extended each month you need to look hard at your situation and make a debt management plan. If you have recently received late fees or over the limit fees you need to take action now. If you are receiving creditor calls, you are delinquent with your payments, or considering a foreclosure or even bankruptcy we can help. While you are not alone, your situation is unique and you will be treated with dignity by our professional team of representatives.
So What Are All Of Your Options To Get and Stay Financially Free???
If you have been directed to this site chances are you are searching for a way to gain more control over your current debt situation or wanting to find a way to eliminate debt all together. DSLG has several program options to assist you in gaining control and finding a way out of debt. We can also assist our clients with bankruptcy as a last resort.
Did you know that if you have $15,000 in unsecured debt at an interest rate of 18%, are making minimum payments and you….
- Do Nothing: It will take you 192 months (16 years) and you will have paid approximately $67,200 before you are out of debt.
- Choose Debt Consolidation: You can expect to be out of debt in approximately 64 months with a payment of approximately $345 (includes monthly processing fees) for a total of $22,080.
- Choose Debt Settlement: On average, you will end up paying approximately $9,750 to settle the debt.
To determine what credit management plan is right for you fill out the following Credit Calculator (this software will be introduced as a free download link to viewers of legitimatedebtsettlement.com) and it will display your recommendation. It will ask for some financial information. Estimates are recommended.
Recent Large Credit Card Purchases or Credit Card Cash Advances may not be able to be settled or consolidated.
DSLG does not perform credit checks and does not report to any credit agencies.
Business Debt Negotiation
Business debt help service
We know how debt can upset the financial situation of a business and even threaten its future. Through a sound business debt restructuring plan companies can settle their debt with creditors and balance their financial situation.
Through years of experience developing the business debt negotiation program, companies have created a personalized process with direct contact to provide the best possible solution to your business debt. Our teams and team from top partner firms have helped businesses small and large, in many industries to negotiate their debt and organize their finances. We know many such companies that can help you.
Getting businesses and people out of debt is our daily work and we are really good at it.
Our debt negotiation program for businesses has proved to be very effective in solving client’s debt problems. Our knowledge of the financial system and the ways to work with businesses to legally manage their debt, altogether with our developed plan to negotiate debt in the best possible terms will allow our clients to get best results with the most favorable conditions, GUARANTEED.
Our success rate make us confident to offer debt negotiation services for businesses that they can afford, to provide solutions to their debt problems in a shorter period of time and in more advantageous conditions to the businesses we represent.
Business debt restructuring or negotiation is a legal, specialized way to bring corporate finances in order in the presence of a high debt situation.
Get personal assistance and find out about the advantages of our debt restructuring, debt negotiation services.
What’s the best option to your business debt situation?
In the face of a bad debt problem and liquidity difficulties some business deal of the alternative of filing for bankruptcy; but truth is that there are strategies and methods to keep a business viable and secure its future.
Did you know that attorney expenses for bankruptcy processes take around 75% of the resources from chapter 11? Is a fact, plus, debt, collection charges and other fees keeps rising, It is possible for businesses in debt to avoid bankruptcy, an expensive and tough process leading to liquidation under chapter 7.
To the heavy expenses related to bankruptcy, add the credit consequences it brings, beside the emotional distress associated. Many companies offer the right solution to business debt problems in a short term. Ask us if you need help with the same.
Hello kitty checks
Products of Hello Kitty have been all around for approximately three decades now and they are still offering the most excellent deals with guaranteed quality and satisfaction. And this period, this lovely cute character is once more amazing the entire family with their Hello Kitty checks. The checks of Hello Kitty are planned for kids and adults to utilize. In actual fact, there are some men do search it funny and cute to use these checks throughout their private transactions as well as ladies mainly the mothers do get pleasure from the use of them throughout shopping and groceries.
Hello Kitty is recognized for its colorful and attractive designs and their checks are not an exception of this truth. In case you are previously tired of utilizing that non-colored and plain check, then check of Hello Kitty is what you want. These checks give several imaginary designs with Kitty holding a red color apple, guitar playing, playing with ducks also riding in the small size plane. Every check comes in special colors of pastel pink, blue, yellow and green. It is complete not just to catch the attention of kid but even to completely satisfy the expectation of everyone of Hello Kitty together with adults.
How to financially plan for a loved ones passing.
While remembering the loved people at end of lives, one unique option is basically to make the arrangements for the cremation. The service of cremation is done in highly dignified manner to bid adieu and pay the last respects to the person who is very special in life. Moreover, choices of the burial options which come with the cremation are also wide as well as varied. With such extensive array of cremation options, on the other hand, it comes with the extensive array in prices as well as the costs. If the cremation is absolutely your choice, you need to think as how you wish to get surrounded with cremation.
Hence, the Cremation costsshould also be accounted for while calculation the total cost of the cremation. Cremation is definitely cheaper as compared to burial, but there are some additional costs which are also associated with the laws as well as regulations in the state may even require to be taken in consideration. The Funeral homes as well as crematorium provides different options which could be costly as well as cost efficient also regarding the urns, the boxes and also the bags.Moreover, there are some specialized kinds of cremation, from them for beloved loved pet, to those which are quite safe for environment.
Forex Trading with various service providers
In Forex trading, one must consider the balance between profit and risk. In most moving speculative market, you are required to have perfect knowledge of market tendencies and position of profit of the company where you want to make an investment.
CFD trading Forex trading is a popular term used as an abbreviation of “Contract for Difference.” CFD trading is considered one of the exclusive tools to earn additional funds, stock, assets and property. It functions just on the basis of speculation and price differences as on the date of sale to the date of purchase. It is a legal contract guided by law of the concerned country. In a place of a regular buyer and seller these contracts for difference exist between providers of CSD facilities and individual traders.
CFD trading account
To begin with CFD Trading initially, you need to open a regular trading account with your name and personal details. Opening trading account helps you to create a well stable position in this CFD trading. This trading account will get credited or debited automatically whenever you earn profit or incur losses. Different positions of this CFD trading account will C/F to the subsequent day trading. The timings of closure and opening of CFD market may vary according to industrial norms.